• Easy and Fast. 3 Steps »
  • 1 Account Setup
  • 2 Payment Setup
  • 3 Listing Configuration
Select a package Do you already have an account?
Listing Type:
Business Membership $FREE
No, I'm a New User.
Sign in with my existing Directory Account.
Sign in with my existing OpenID 2.0 Account.
Sign in with my existing Facebook Account.

Listing Information

Church: Select a valid item on autocomplete. If you do not see your church, please select DEFAULT CHURCH and contact us at support@therippleeffects.com with your church name and address. A member of our team will update the directory and update your listing to reflect your church name within 2 business days. After selecting DEFAULT CHURCH, you may proceed with the sign up process.
Company Name: *
Promotional Code:

Account Information Please write down your e-mail and password for future reference.

E-mail (TRE User Name): * --> E-mail must be a valid e-mail between 4 and 80 characters with no spaces.
Create Password: * Password must be between 4 and 50 characters with no spaces.
Retype Password: *
* I agree with the terms of use
* Statement of Service - I am currently serving of my time and using my talents in the following manner:

I agree to the following terms and conditions as indicated by checking each box:
Your listing will remain in “PENDING” status until we receive your “PROOF OF GIVING”

GIVING STATEMENT- I will provide a Giving Statement from my local church. I understand that this can be for the current year to date or for the previous year. Fax to 623-806-1494 or email support@therippleeffects.com. I understand that this will be needed each year to renew my membership. Please submit this as soon as possible. Your listing will not be active until this is received.
CONFIRMATION OF GIVING- I will have a church administrator simply state in writing that I am a member in good standing and financially contribute to the ministry. For example; 'John Smith/Jane Doe is a member of our church in good standing and financially contributes to our ministry'. This can be on letterhead and signed by a church administrator from your local church or emailed from a church administrator and dated accordingly. Fax this to 623-806-1494 or email to support@therippleeffects.com. I understand this will be needed each year to renew my membership. Please submit this as soon as possible. Your listing will not be active until this is received.
STEWARSHIP AGREEMENT- I understand that the Stewardship Agreement is a temporary substitution for my Giving Statement/Confirmation of Giving. My membership will be evaluated in 6 months and again at renewal to make sure that I am in compliance with the giving requirement. I agree to provide a current Giving Statement/Confirmation of Giving prior to the end of my review period and I understand that if I do not adhere to these terms, I may no longer remain an active member of The Ripple Effects. If I decide to rededicate my commitment to these terms, I can reapply to membership with The Ripple Effects in the future.

Billing Information(This information will not be displayed publicly. You will configure your listing after placing the order.)

* Language: English Select your main language to contact (when necessary).
* First Name:
* Last Name:
* Address Line1: Street Address, P.O. box
Address Line2: Apartment, suite, unit, building, floor, etc.
* Country:
* State:
* City:
* ZIP Code:
* Business Phone:
Mobile Phone:
Home Phone:
* E-mail:
Business Website:
Payment Method
By Credit Card By PayPal

Once pressed, your account will be setup and you will receive an email confirmation. If you don't see the email in your inbox, please check junk or spam folders and update your email to accept emails from The Ripple Effects